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Research Brewery


Range of Services


Master Brewer

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Our Know-How - the Key to Your Success!
Research Brewery

The demands on brewers are becoming ever more complex. The market is changing. Competitive and cost pressures require forward-looking product development, pursuit of current trends and efficient quality assurance at the highest level.

If your beer products stand out with unique flavour and consistently outstanding quality, you will be in a position to withstand the pressure of the massive price competition. With premium quality, attractive profit margins can be realised.

Today, training, research and analysis are key success factors which are decisive for whether a business survives on the market. Firms both at home and abroad employ our knowledge and ideas both to realise and develop new.

We can offer you – comprehensive consultations and provide you with a range of one-stop services: from the original conception to the formula, from the analysis right up to trouble shooting. Our trained panel of tasters will give you qualified and reliable feedback at every stage of your research. With our professional expertise and many years of experience, we can offer you friendly support that’s reliable and discreet.

Alongside modern technical facilities for the production, filtration and bottling of beer, we can offer you a well-equipped laboratory and a trained panel of beer tasters. Our exceptionally well-coordinated brewery team can draw on a wealth of experience from very diverse research projects. Many results of this work have already been published in the trade publications.

Your team: experienced brewers, raw materials experts and trained tasters.

Why not get acquainted with us?
Arrange an appointment in St. Johann.
Telephone no. +49 9444 878-165